Elma here I come, where ever you are…

Transfer calls were Saturday and I am being transferred to Elma 1 and 2. Two wards again! I am going to be STL with Sister Rosenvall who is one of the kindest people to ever exist. We have served around each other before so it will be fun to finally be her companion. I have come to love Seabeck and Kitsap Lake ward so much and it kills me to leave here, but I know this is what the Lord needs of me and I can’t wait to have adventures in the boonies! We had the most amazing miracle this week. Zachary Jarvis, a guy I have been working with the past two transfers got baptized. He was introduced to the Gospel by his mom who is a convert of two years. He was an agnostic and then just decided he wanted to figure out if there was a God and it was amazing to watch his relationship with God increase so much. I got to hear his first prayer ever and the Spirit was so unique and strong. Last Sunday during church though his families house was burnt down and they lost pretty much everything. So the first thing they wanted to do was postpone the baptism. We told them to pray about it and talk with there family. They all decided that there was no need to postpone and the baptism was still on. Satan’s good, but faith in Christ always wins. Zachary also received the Priesthood on Sunday and will be blessing the Sacrament next Sunday. I feel so blessed to be able to end this area with an incredible miracle like that. We also put our other investigator that has been meeting with missionaries for 3 years on date for June 20th!! Brother Charlie Eichel. He is a grouchy old man that I love dearly and I am so excited to come back and see him finally "take the plunge" as his wife Sister Eichel puts it.
This week we had park day which means we aren’t allowed to use our car. The only problem is we live on the outskirts of our area so we just ended up walking for 4 hours at a time. Luckily it was also weekly planning so we were in most of the day. But at one point we were so exhausted we just ended up sitting on a rock on the side of the road looking rather pathetic. We then knocked on a door of a guy who had passed us and he kind of made fun of us. Then he had us teach his kid for a second and it was just an incredibly awkward situation. We lived though.
Hope you all have a good week. The scripture that has really been with me these past couple of days is 2 Nephi 28:30-31

30 For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say,We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.

31 Cursed is he that putteth his trust in man, or maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts of men, save their precepts shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost.

32 Wo be unto the Gentiles, saith the Lord God of Hosts! For notwithstanding I shall lengthen out mine arm unto them from day to day, they will deny me; nevertheless, I will be merciful unto them, saith the Lord God, if they will repent and come unto me; for mine arm is lengthened out all the day long, saith the Lord God of Hosts.

Love you all! Have a wonderful week. Sister Carr


One more!


Funny Pictures from this week!

Temple Trip and Exchanges into the past!

This week I had the opportunity to go to the temple and it was wonderful. I really got to see how much I do not know and have to learn, but I have faith that one day more will be revealed unto me. One things I have been struggling with is doubts and fear of the unknown. But I got a blessing one it really started to get hard and God told me to focus on the little this and read the scriptures and focus on what He thinks of me. So I was reading Jacob 5 and I changed it to being about me. I am the Vineyard and the Olive trees. The Lord is Heavenly Father, and the Servant is Jesus Christ. If you read that chapter that way there is no way you can doubt the love of your Creator. My doubts go a lot deeper than just whether or not God loves me but that doesn’t mean I will give up. If we but desire to have faith He can work with that. I will forever be faithful, but that doesn’t mean the road will be easy. Don’t not let the doubts that come into your hearts win, let your heart be filled with the peace on the Savior can give. This week when I was having a really bad day I saw a sister had a little journal she was writing notes in and all I thought is how nice that would be to have. Then I got a package from Sister Stirling, one of my past companions, and in it was a little note book. I then realized if God hears those little thoughts then how much more does He hear our pleading cries. Don’t give up, don’t turn away from what you know is good even if you struggle to feel it. Satan will want you to quit and turn away from the God who loves you, who yearns for you. Remember, just because you don’t know if He is there doesn’t mean He doesn’t know every hair on your head. He has never left your side, all you have to do is do as Peter did and reach out. His hand is already outstretched ready to grab you and save you. You are never too far for Him to catch you. This week I also got to go on exchanges with Sister Osborn!! I missed her so much and it was so wonderful to be back together again. Our friendship is for sure eternal. She is also still half my size…
I also got to go to a Musical Fireside for the first time in months! I love fire sides, singing with a ton of missionaries has a way of bringing much needed peace.
I love you all! My challenge this week is to read Jacob 5 out of the Book of Mormon a different way then you ever have before, it doesn’t have to be my way.
Sister Carr



One Year in the Best State!!!

I can’t believe that I have been in Washington for a year now. I have loved every moment, even the hard times. I got to meet with my mission President this week on almost the exact same day that I met him last year when I came into the mission. When we were sitting there talking it hit me how much I have changed. I am not the same person and how grateful I am for that. I have not only been a witness of watching it change so many other people but I have also witnessed it personally. Read the Book of Mormon and know that nothing is too hard to face when you recognize that Jesus the Christ is right there beside you. Other than that. One of the girls I am over is having to go home early and that is what we have been having to take care of the past three days. So that’s been fun.
I also failed at trying to be flexible like my comp Skousen. She is just too talented for me.
Not much else to update, just keep praying!
Love you all.
Sister Carr
Super awk story but I have to share: while on exchanges Sister Albrechtsen and I were knocking and I may have let out a giant fart because we were in the woods and I though no one would be there…Then I looked up and saw a guy and his two kids looking at me…hahahaha. I died. We still talked to them…They weren’t interested.


More pics from this week!

Another one bites the dust…

So…I sent my companion Sister Stirling home early this week. She had had a migraine of a sort for 14 days when they finally called it. She went home on Thursday and I got Sister Skousen as a new companion. My life is just one crazy plot twist after another, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. It keeps my quite entertained. We got to go to MLC and the other STL’s and us went and hung out at Chick-Fil-A for who knows how long, it was wonderful. I also got to go on exchanges with two other very curly haired girls and we had way to much fun with our hair.
I got to skype my family yesterday and it was so strange and wonderful all at the same time. It’s my last skype before I go home and it just blows my mind to see how old my Sisters have gotten. Time is just flying! I was sitting on my bed helping my companion pack, again to go home and just wondering what next. Then I felt such a sweet peace come over and I knew I just have to make to the for my Sisters, all of them. My ones at home, my ones still out here, my baby sisters, all of them. No matter how hard the moment gets, eternity makes it worth it. Just keep swimming.
I love you all. Alma 28:8 in honor of Sister Stirling who shared that with me.
Sister Carr

More Pictures.

Sister Pike and I may have fallen in love this week.

One year….

So I finally stopped being lazy and added all of my past mission friends to my email, sorry I’m so slothful. But this week I don’t have much to update on. Sister Stirling’s migraine has only gotten worse and we are on day 11, we get to go to the doctors today though again and hopefully finish it up. But we did go on exchanges with Sister Pike and Sokoiwasa this week. I got Pike to ask at a door, "How much would could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck would?" She did it and the guy managed to be deaf…tender mercy? We laughed so hard. I had to ditch Stirling off at a members for half of the day and Solo STL it. It was actually a lot of fun. As you can tell I am a very inspiring leader.
I also had a dream that Godzilla loved hockey and then caught us watching and starting to come after us and we kept run around the hockey rink finding different old watacies, that is mostly why I had to add you all to this email. Most of you were in my dream.
Love you all. Read the Book of Mormon.
Sister Carr