
Emergency Transfer…

So this week was interesting. We had an amazing transfer meeting, and Sister Rasmussen and I went matching because we are adorable. We found a less actives non-member wife who had been praying for someone who could help her weed, and then we showed up. We are going to help her with her weeding every Friday. We are going to serve her and teach her and then she will get baptized. I love Pattie.

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The rest of the week was just weird though. Sis R and I just felt very off and we weren’t making it anywhere with anything. Then we saw Bob. Bob is a past recent convert of Sis R’s who we have now seen near our apartment 4 times. He was a huge creep when she was teaching him but he did get baptized. But now he is stalking her…So we called our Mission President like 50 times trying to figure out what is best for her. He came to the conclusion that she needed to be emergency transferred. We are heart broken. We just can’t catch a break. We know that it is what’s best and what the Lord has planned, but we don’t want to separate.

img 1972My new companion I hear though is amazing and that this is her last transfer of her mission. So we are going to work very hard and I know we are going to see miracles. I love being a missionary and being able to serve my Heavenly Father. C’est la vie. And on top of everything the Nephites are driving me crazy in Helaman right now. Read the Book of Mormon and you will know what I am talking about. And I didn’t get bit by anything or poisoned by anything this week, so that’s good news!



I got to see Sister Thurber last week, and Sister Rasmussen and I ate bread.


Week from HECK, and a couple of miracles.

This week has been very interesting. We helped move a family completely out of there house in 3 hours because it turned out they were evicted. But we managed to fit everything into a U-Haul truck and I only broke on shelf with my shins. They have some pretty awesome bruises.

On Wednesday we had Zions Camp. Which was this awesome trust camp that really helped me learn how to depend on others. We did this awesome trust fall, but the girls dropped someone one right before I was suppose to go…I fell no problem I just thought I was going to die. I didn’t though. It was a lot of fun. And my entire zone wore matching shirts and looked epic.

img 1844Thursday was Park Day, that just means we aren’t allowed to use our car. So we picked weeds for a member and then that night we did the dumbest thing you could ever think of. So Sis. Rasmussen and I are always eating random plants and bragging about it. So the Elders told us to eat this random leaf…and we did because we are prideful and have to prove ourselves. It turned out to be poisonous. It blistered our mouths and made us sick out of our minds (we were literally loopy.) But God was watching over us. We had to spend most of the day inside dying but he helped us teach our two lessons that night.

We have our first progressing investigator we found while knocking. He is amazing and wants to learn everything!!! We also helped a less active want to come to church again. So the moral of that is eat poisonous plants and miracles will happen. Just kidding, don’t do that. We are all better now but we are super dumb. I promise no more poisonous plants.

Also I got bit by another small dog, dogs hate me. My finger is fine but my spirit was hurt a little because it was so cute. All dogs love Sis R and bite me. I don’t get it. Haha. But I will live.

We went to two baptisms for other missionaries on Saturday and I just cannot wait to have my first one. And I had my first transfer call on Saturday!! We are both staying! But we still get to go to transfer meeting because a lot of awesome missionaries are going home.

img 1872Also Sis R made me sing in the choir and is trying to get me to sing in front of more people. This transfer is going to be interesting. We also moved our beds again for more room and just because we wanted to.
I love you all. Read the Book of Mormon and pray. C’est la vie.


More drunks?

This week was quite slow. A lot of knocking and past potential finding. We did hopefully reactivate a less active who has actually been wanting to go back to church. I felt very inspired to go there and he turned out to be truly ready for us. He is also making us a home made AC because our apartments are a thousand degrees. Did I tell you we moved our beds to the living room because our apartment is so hot? They are still there.

Sister Rasmussen caught her hair on fire because she accidentally whipped her hair into a candle. She quickly put it out and I had to give her a trim to even everything out.

We went to go find a past investigator and ended up teaching his dad and his dad’s friend. They were both drunk/high and were out of this world. They offered us some weed, we said no of course. Which then led into the Word of Wisdom lesson and they were in total shock. They asked us how we stay so pretty if we aren’t doing any of that stuff. We said it’s because we don’t do that stuff that we stay pretty. Yup. Drunks/Stoners have become the story of our life. We never have a boring moment at least.
We had a Musical Fireside last night and it was amazing…except for the part were we all had to sing in front of a lot of people. I just tried to hide in the middle row. But the recent converts testimonies were amazing and I can’t wait to meet and elect and help them down the path all of them went through.
Transfer meeting is next Tuesday. I have almost made it through my first 6 weeks…what is happening. I hear it only goes faster after this. I don’t know if I can handle faster. I am loving my mission and feel so blessed to be here. I read my favorite story in Alma today when the soldier of Moroni scalps Zerahemnah and puts the scalp on his swords and yells and the Lamanites (Alma 44:12-15.) Read the Book of Mormon if you love war stories because there are some pretty awesome (heart breaking too of course) wars.
That’s all for this week. You are all in my prayers and I love you all very much. There will be no pictures this week due to my forgetfulness and not remember to bring my camera. Sorry you will not be able to see my face this week. Till next week, C’est la vie.

Sister Carr


Companionships Rule!

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We even decided to match for church on Sunday 🙂

Sister Rasmussen and I are still going strong! We have so much fun. The harder you play the harder you work!

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We have been super into rubber band wars, but our hands are starting to pay the price.



This week was full of miracles! The beginning on the week was really hard because Sister Rasmussen and I were working very hard and were still extremely unsuccessful (so we thought.) We then had to realize how successful we were actually being. We were inviting every person we met to come unto Christ. We were knocking on doors and chasing people down on the streets, we were showing how far we were will to go for Heavenly Father. He then answered both of my major goals that I had been praying about for two weeks.

I got to mow TWO lawns and teach my first restoration lesson to a person we found while knocking. A lesson actually went through! I didn’t mow in a dress but they were both non-members and both very touch. I love this work!

I also only got bit by one dog this week, but this time it left a pretty nice bruise on the back of my leg. And I got stung three times. It just means there is an elect about to be found and baptized!

Even Alma had a melt down when he didn’t feel like he was doing enough and then he had to realize that he was doing his best (Alma 29). The Lord asks me to do my very best and work till I can barely say my prayers at night.

“O that I were an angel, and could have the wish of mine heart, that I might go forth and speak with the trump of God, with a voice to shake the earth, and cry repentance unto every people! …

“Now, seeing that I know these things, why should I desire more than to perform the work to which I have been called?

“Why should I desire that I were an angel, that I could speak unto all the ends of the earth? …

“I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy.”

Book of Mormon, Alma 29: 1,  6-7, 9

Also one super funny story. Olympia is full of wonderful crazy people and my neighbors are some of them. One night we were coming home and our neighbor lady called us over and told us some of her boys needed Jesus. so of course we went over. We ended up teaching 7 drunk people and did a giant prayer circle. And now they are all our best friends and we love seeing them around our apartment.

This work is done in all sorts of different ways. I am so proud to be a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I love you all. Carpe Diem and read the Book of Mormon.


What A Week!

This week was crazy! We knocked on lots of doors and got 3 new investigators. I got bit by two dogs, not hard but it was hilarious. My lungs broke but are all better now. I ate ant butts because Sister Rasmussen said they tasted like strawberries, THEY DO!

My new goal, besides baptizing everyone, is to mow a lawn in a dress. We have been working so hard and I am beyond happy. Everyone needs to read Alma 5! And Enos. My testimony of the Book of Mormon has skyrocketed. I love this gospel and am growing so much.

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We had interviews with President Blatter this week after District Meeting.

Not much more to update but I have a feeling there will be soon, I will just have to keep working hard. I love you all, but more importantly, God loves you. C’est la vie (an old woman taught me that.) My new motto.

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I also hit my one month this week and planted a tree to celebrate, and Sister Rasmussen made me a flower headband…my life is very random.