
Letter from Sister Carr

Here are some excerpts from a letter I received from Sister Carr recently that I thought you might enjoy reading:

“My perspective has already changed so much. I went from worrying about being good enough, to realizing this isn’t about me. I already love the people in Tacoma so much and I haven’t even met them yet. And I’m already memorizing things!! I am growing so much and I have only been here two days. I can’t believe I’m only here for 12 days. Time is already flying by.

“You would love the view from my classroom. It has a perfect view of the temple and the mountains. We have 8 people in our district and zone – 4 Elders and 4 Sisters. We are all becoming very unified…

“… let me tell you about my absolutely wonderful companion. Sister Thurber is my biggest blessing here. I love her so much. Her and I are the only sisters going to the Wa-Tac (Washington Tacoma) Mission except for one Elder. She has such a high spirit and is so loving. She is from Utah and has NINE siblings. Her and I are already the best of friends and have withdrawals even if we are only separated for a minute. I feel like I’ve known her forever and will hate when we get separated. I pray that [we] will be companions in the field at some point.

“I haven’t been sleeping well even though I am exhausted. This schedule is crazy. I am so happy though. I know I am truly in the right place. Eventually my body will give up and let me sleep.”

“Everything is just so wonderful here – I can’t wait to tell and show you all about it”