
What A Week!

This week was crazy! We knocked on lots of doors and got 3 new investigators. I got bit by two dogs, not hard but it was hilarious. My lungs broke but are all better now. I ate ant butts because Sister Rasmussen said they tasted like strawberries, THEY DO!

My new goal, besides baptizing everyone, is to mow a lawn in a dress. We have been working so hard and I am beyond happy. Everyone needs to read Alma 5! And Enos. My testimony of the Book of Mormon has skyrocketed. I love this gospel and am growing so much.

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We had interviews with President Blatter this week after District Meeting.

Not much more to update but I have a feeling there will be soon, I will just have to keep working hard. I love you all, but more importantly, God loves you. C’est la vie (an old woman taught me that.) My new motto.

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I also hit my one month this week and planted a tree to celebrate, and Sister Rasmussen made me a flower headband…my life is very random.

As green as it gets.

First Couple of Days

Busy as a can possibly be.

Busy as I can possibly be.

This week has been wonderful. I have only been here two days and I have already grown so much. The classes have been super intense already and everything is very fast pace, I love it. I can’t believe I am only here at the MTC for 12 days. But at the pace we have been going I can see why it’s such a short time. I don’t have a ton to write about, or can I put into words what’s happened right now, but I have never felt this way before. The spirit is breathtakingly strong here and I am so happy. My entire perspective of my mission has changed. I went from feeling scared, not good enough, and worried that I wouldn’t memorize things on time to feeling nothing but love for people I haven’t even met yet. I can’t wait to help people and bring them unto Christ.

Sister Carr & her new companion, Sister Thurber.

Sister Carr & her new companion, Sister Thurber.

I am so humbled and my testimony has already grown so much. I love this gospel and Heavenly Father so much. Let me talk about my companion for a second. She is the most wonderful human ever. Sister Thurber is my greatest blessing. We both love each other so much. We are so close and love working and growing together. She is such a huge inspiration to me. I am sad that I only get 12 days with my wonderful Sister. I pray that we will be companions in the field at some point. She is just so wonderful beyond wonderful. Please keep her, as well as me, in your prayers. I have a calling, too! I am the district online coordinator. I get to teach people about computers in the computer lab, I think.

Despite all the hustle and bustle in the MTC, there's even moments to stop and smell the flowers.

Despite all the hustle and bustle in the MTC, there’s even moments to stop and smell the flowers.

I am so happy and humble here. I don’t have much to write about, so I will talk to you next week. Sister Carr